Well I decided that even though I'm not completely finished with it, I would just go ahead and launch my new site. What I currently have is great, but I'd still like to add some thing and modify many others. But it is a very clear improvement from my previous website. Anyways, I'd just like to take a second to recognize some resources I used and to thank them.
In my new site, I wanted to avoid having a simple gallery where everything was just a thumbnail that, when clicked, went to a different page to see a larger view. To get away from this, I incorporated Lokesh Dhakar's lightbox2 script. Although recently I started studying and learning JavaScript on my own, I was still nowhere near creating something this amazing. His lightbox2 script can be found at:
Here are some screen shots of the new site and one showing what the lightbox script does when a thumbnail is clicked:
I used and modified a template from http://www.freecsstemplates.org/ to create my site. Although I plan on modifying this much more heavily, it was the perfect basis for my new site. Thanks be to them for their lovely templates!
So anyways, like I've said, it is still very much a work-in-progress, but to be honest... my last portfolio really was not an accurate representation of my skills and I really needed something that stood out more. I designed this new one in the hopes that it would do me justice much better than my last few designs and I'm very happy with the results. Be on the lookout for frequent updates!