Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Let's Get This Show On The Road

Well, this past Saturday, I officially finished my Junior year at IUPUI and I consequently now have more time to work on the site as well as many, many other projects I've been meaning to get to but didn't have the time to do so. The biggest project being re-designing my portfolio site.

It just amazes me at how fast things are moving in the web design and development industry these days. Blink and you'll miss something, HUGE. Unfortunately, I blinked sometime in the past year and missed fell behind in a few critical things.

It goes without saying that there is a clearly defined level that designers are almost expected to meet nowadays. Web 2.0 is an old term at this point and it seems that it's simply no longer good enough to just have a standard informational website. Interactivity is the name of the game, and I'll admit... that is where I need to get caught up the most. I've recently been introduced to .asp pages after not quite knowing much about them, let alone utilizing them. In my upcoming site design, I'm definitely going to try my hand at some .asp programming, as well as (hopefully) some advanced Java/AJAX.

Anyway, today I finally was able to get back into the swing of things. I dusted off an old CSS file I had been experimenting with and started developing that. So far, it's turning out just as expected. Lots of tweaking and researching best methods and practices for doing things the right way. As for the overall design, I have a fairly simple layout in my head that I hope to make a reality in the coming days. Though I really would like to avoid this whole cookie-cutter Web 2.0 general design, it's looking as if it will follow along those lines. I figure, it's popular and mainstream for a reason: it's effective! So I hope to have more of a report on the progress of the site and other aspects next time.

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